Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Book Review: "churchill & the Jews"
Martin Gilbert is a historical writing phenomenon; a historian without peer in many areas; and an intellectual giant in Churchilliana. Again he has produced another valuable niche product in the vast compendium of Churchill related works, this one centred on Churchill’s 70-year relationship with Jews, Zionism and post 1947 Israel. Even if you are not found of Churchill, the book should be read by those who desire to know more about the Middle East, the current Israeli-Arab struggle, and why in modern times, Israel was created as a backdrop to current events; Gilbert has produced a valuable canvass. I have read all of Gilbert’s works, and pretty much everything there is on Churchill, and this book served up two pleasant surprises. The first, is the not inconsiderable politically incorrect pro-Zionist narrative found in Gilbert’s prose acted out by Churchill’s 70-year affinity for the cause of ‘Jewishness’ and Zionism. When world ‘opinion’ and outrage is so consumed by sympathetic revisionism seen in pro-Arab, pro-Palestinian and extreme tolerance towards all things Muslim, it is heartening to read intelligent reality based commentary which disavows genuflection to the Arab-Islmaic-Mulit-Cult, anti-modern program. The second surprise was to read of Churchill’s constancy in his support of Jews, in spite of political opprobrium over so many decades. He even once described Judaic ethics as, “incomparable the most precious possession of mankind, worth in fact the fruits of all other wisdom and learning put together.” The gutless political wonders of today wouldn’t have the courage or intellectual understanding to utter such a thing. Besides the Arab feminist gay vote would cry and be pouty. It takes a rare man to stand so long on principle even as political and public ‘opinion’ support erodes. But neither Churchill nor Gilbert are ordinary men. Churchill’s career, as Gilbert highlights, is one intertwined with, and supportive of, ‘Jews’ and Zionism, especially the idea of a Jewish home, where the long persecuted race could find security and safety. Churchill always rejected, ‘the anti-semitic lines of prejudice’ both in and outside Britain, feeling that with applied intelligence and patience, Jews and Arabs could peaceably prosper in a flourishing and modern Palestine. Unfortunately the Arabs then as now, show little inclination to live in the modern world. From 1904 to 1908 Churchill, the 30 to 34 year old politician represented a minority Jewish constituency in Manchester. Jewish concerns were thus imprinted upon Churchill’s world view early in his career. As Gilbert elaborates, Churchill during his lifetime had many Jewish friends, publishers, researchers, political allies, and even financiers. (Churchill almost went bankrupt in the 1930’s, saved by the intervention of some notable Jewish families). As a Cabinet Minister in 1921 and 1922, charged with determining the future status of a Jewish home in Palestine; through World War Two and the holocaust, as Prime Minister from 1951-1956; and as a historian puzzling over the relationship between Jews and Arabs; Churchill was profoundly associated with Jewish concerns and the complexity of Arab Jew interaction in Palestine. Though fond of Jews (and too fond according to one critic), Churchill was at times evisceratingly critical of Jewish extremism or inflexibility. Not surprisingly Churchill knew of the depth of Jewish leadership in the Russian bolshevist movement (all top Bolsheviks, including Lenin were indeed at least partially Jewish), calling upon Jewish leaders to denounce bolshevism and instead elevate true Jewish ethics instead. Likewise during the 1930s and 1940s, when fringe Jewish terrorist groups were attacking and murdering British Subjects and innocents in the Palestine mandate, Churchill adjured Jewish leaders to strike down such evil elements lest a Jewish home became a political and social impossibility. In short, if you analyze his career and statements, Churchill was not Hitler’s caricature of a drunken, Jewish knave, promoting capitalism as the smiling, materialistic face of neo-imperialist slavery. He was instead a politician who believed in the Judeo-Christian tradition and who had the power to help realize Britain’s 1917 Balfour Declaration guaranteeing Jews a Palestinian home (done to gain support of Jews in Russia and America to prosecute the war against Wilhelmina Germany). If you look at the historical record, the Jews owe Israel’s very existence, at least in part, to Churchill’s exertions. In 1922 Churchill as a Cabinet Minister responsible for Palestine, produced the Churchill White paper; which laid the foundation of an Israeli State. Churchill’s White Paper, which addressed the partition of Britain’s mandate between Arabs and Jews (Palestinians were a separate ‘people’ created by the U.N. and Arabs circa 1967), was decidedly pro-Zionist, allocating perhaps 12% of the mandate to the Jews and 88%, including present day Jordan, some of Syria, and current ‘Palestinian’ holdings to the Arabs. In terms of geographical coverage the Arabs won in terms of legitimacy, the Jews had their necessary and powerful, political support. Churchill’s plan was to increase civilizational development for 1000 years. As Churchill commented, the Arabs had done nothing with the land. As Jews increased from 80,000 people in 1922, economic development would dictate the levels of Jewish emigration. It was Churchill’s hope that the 500,000 Arab residents in 1922 would not feel overwhelmed by a rising Jewish population. As it turned out he need not have worried. By 1948 the Arab population in the British Mandate had tripled from 1922 levels to 1.5 million. The Jewish population had surged to about 800,000. Upon declaring statehood in 1948, post-British withdrawal, the tiny Jewish State was attacked by 5 Arab States with 50 times the population. Israel survived of course, humiliating the Arab armies. (It is a cautionary tale. However, for those who chatter about precipitate withdrawal from Iraq or Afghanistan, those Western allied governments will simply collapse if the West exits). Gilbert’s book is in many ways required reading for our days and times. There is nothing wrong as Churchill’s example attests to, of having constancy and moral purpose in politics. Defending the Jews- a vital part of Western civilization- is noble and just. Affirming blame to Arab-Islamic intolerance when analyzing Middle-Eastern affairs is necessary and justified. Learning from Churchill, from history, and from cultural precedents is also to be embraced.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Read Novels Online VS Reading Books
Reading from a screen is more tiring and much slower than a book, and many people miss the relaxing touch of the page. There is a massive difference in the experience of reading a blog versus reading a novel. High-concentration reading from a computer screen is not very comfortable. There are hundreds of books that are worthwhile reading and never see the light of day or at least not at any time receive their just due.
They say people are not reading now as much as they used to. What if people just don't want to read novels online? Same goes with the Internet, if all you do is chat and participate in social websites, then you cannot really expect to put your vocabulary to good use, neither can you expect to learn much more; but, it is possible to read novels online (Literature. Not many people give up paperbacks to read novels online. Secondary to this question is this is it making reading more accessible.
Read novels online, get the latest news, and contact the author. The conventional wisdom that no one wants to read novels online exists in the realm of fiction. Parents worried about kids reading too much online should ask and answer questions about what they are reading. When they are reading with the keyboard within reach, they ask questions and make comments. Considering how much reading consists of articles, online and off, the fact that electronic reader discussions are so exclusively focused on books illustrates the backwards thinking, book people have when it comes to contemporary reading and technology.
They say people are not reading now as much as they used to. What if people just don't want to read novels online? Same goes with the Internet, if all you do is chat and participate in social websites, then you cannot really expect to put your vocabulary to good use, neither can you expect to learn much more; but, it is possible to read novels online (Literature. Not many people give up paperbacks to read novels online. Secondary to this question is this is it making reading more accessible.
Read novels online, get the latest news, and contact the author. The conventional wisdom that no one wants to read novels online exists in the realm of fiction. Parents worried about kids reading too much online should ask and answer questions about what they are reading. When they are reading with the keyboard within reach, they ask questions and make comments. Considering how much reading consists of articles, online and off, the fact that electronic reader discussions are so exclusively focused on books illustrates the backwards thinking, book people have when it comes to contemporary reading and technology.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Let Reading Books be Light on Your Pockets
Looking for that best seller, you really want to get your hands on? Tired of searching a dozen online stores to find the best price? Www.gauchotexts.com makes it all easy. When you have a book in your mind, all you do is search it in Www.gauchotexts.com and in few seconds you have a comprehensive list of online shops and their offer best price. And another click of your mouse button, you can start comparing book prices. You can expand the search to include added features like tax, shipping rates etc. This will make the search and comparison of prices more meaningful and you get to know the exact price for which you get to own the book. This way, you get your book for the cheapest price in few minutes, if not in seconds.Now, shopping for that bestseller is not so tiresome. A few clicks and you are there, ordering a brand new copy. We make your search complete, by including an exhaustive list of stores, which sell books, with their latest best price through daily updates. We compare book prices across all these shops to bring you the list of best prices on offer. Since we use the latest technologies your search takes just a few seconds. This ensures you get the best bargain for the book. Through gaucho you can get reviews of the online stores before you actually order. This way you can rest assured you are really going to get that book. You can also write your experience and help your fellow folks.That’s not all! We are going to sweeten the pot, a little more. To make your savings deeper we offer you exiting discounts for your orders. You can make use of the latest store coupons to make substantial savings. At Www.gauchotexts.com we always strive to give the readers best value for their money.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Feed Your Mind By Reading Books
If you've been wondering where to look for the best new volumes in the world of business today, you should rejoice. There are some fantastic books newly out and they can be purchased at any online book retailers and most of them can be picked up at your local bookstores. The ones that have taken the bestseller list by storm are usually the best ones from a contextual and informational standpoint, though this is not always the case. Sometimes a book's popularity has more to do with garnering the right publicity. Still, the bestseller list is always a good place to start, particularly when it comes to those books that have held on to their spots for some time. These books have benefited not only from marketing campaigns, but likely from a widespread word of mouth. Here are some of the best new business books out there, to give you a head start in your reading endeavors.One book that has made a difference in lives everywhere for the last year or so is called The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris. Ferris uses everyday language and colorful examples to show how anyone can transition from a full-time, old style career into a method of workology that is being embraced by thousands the world over. He advocates taking advantage of the here and now, rather than putting off the relaxations and joys of retirement to a point in your life where you're no longer able to enjoy them. Of course, he also offers a strategy to get to a point in your life where you can afford to do this.William Bonner has taken over the bestseller lists with, Mobs, Messiahs, and Markets. This book takes a close look at the massive amount of popular, yet wrongheaded, thought that guides many people's decisions when it comes to investing in the stock market. With years of successful stock market experience under his belt, Bonner comes to the table as a qualified expert. He shows through theory and example why you should learn to trust your own instincts and knowledge when it comes to playing the market, and why you should never follow the crowd if you hope to make a living off your stock portfolio.A book called, Results that Last by Quint Studier takes a look at the strategies and insights that will help your company survive and prosper over the long haul. This information is especially important for small business owners that have found a wealth of knowledge on how to get started but little on how to keep their businesses successful. Many businesses have to close their doors within the first five years because they don't know the techniques necessary to keep their profit margins in the black. This book takes a look at the importance of positive leadership skills and the foresight to catch problems before they sink the ship.These three books will give you a jumping off point, but be sure to browse the Amazon bestseller list and recommended books to find more texts that can help turn you into the well rounded businessman you'll need to be to succeed in the marketplace. The most successful business owner large or small, will usually get their determination by reading books like these. There are many books out there to read and many types of subjects. Choose what will interest you and soak them up. You will eventually see the results in your personal life as well as in your business.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Discount College Books
The world of discounted college books is very rare. In my opinion the best place to get college books is online. The sites that you can find discount college books include:
Amazon Ecampus Booksamillion BetterBooks
You might also be interested in book trading. Unlike finding discount college books, it will be harder to find somebody that wants to trade a book with you. The trading of books has sprung up tons of sites including:
SwapTree Bookmooch Bookins Booktradenow
You can get discount college books, but 99% of the time they will be used. Used books aren't like old socks from your friend. But they will still serve your purpose to study for six months and then dump them.
Every student knows that getting cheap college books is the key to saving thousands of dollars while in college. The average student spends more that 25% of his/her tuition on textbooks.
One of the best places is to look in your student commons for discount college books. Every student that doesn't want to get ripped off by the campus book store will be posting their books there. Or you might want to post your own ad for trading a book with a fellow student at your college.
The best discount book is one that is free. I'm sure you realize that, but if you can get your friends to give you a book that they just didn't sell back or are to lazy to, that will be gold.
Also if you have relatives, you could see what classes that they have taken and you might be able to trade books with them. You could also purchase the book from them probably cheaper than you could get a college textbook on the internet.
One other great source that comes off the top of my head is standing outside the college book store and offering to buy somebody's book for five dollars more that the book store will charge.
Now that you have many ideas for getting cheap college books you should have no problem saving money this semester. Another great resource for getting discount college books is the link below.
Amazon Ecampus Booksamillion BetterBooks
You might also be interested in book trading. Unlike finding discount college books, it will be harder to find somebody that wants to trade a book with you. The trading of books has sprung up tons of sites including:
SwapTree Bookmooch Bookins Booktradenow
You can get discount college books, but 99% of the time they will be used. Used books aren't like old socks from your friend. But they will still serve your purpose to study for six months and then dump them.
Every student knows that getting cheap college books is the key to saving thousands of dollars while in college. The average student spends more that 25% of his/her tuition on textbooks.
One of the best places is to look in your student commons for discount college books. Every student that doesn't want to get ripped off by the campus book store will be posting their books there. Or you might want to post your own ad for trading a book with a fellow student at your college.
The best discount book is one that is free. I'm sure you realize that, but if you can get your friends to give you a book that they just didn't sell back or are to lazy to, that will be gold.
Also if you have relatives, you could see what classes that they have taken and you might be able to trade books with them. You could also purchase the book from them probably cheaper than you could get a college textbook on the internet.
One other great source that comes off the top of my head is standing outside the college book store and offering to buy somebody's book for five dollars more that the book store will charge.
Now that you have many ideas for getting cheap college books you should have no problem saving money this semester. Another great resource for getting discount college books is the link below.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
New Children's Book is Throwback to Yesteryear
As a parent, I have been discouraged when browsing the available selections for young readers. Whatever happened to "How to Eat Fried Worms", "The Great Brain", "Henry Reed", or "Ramona the Pest"? It seems now as if children's books only consist of witches, sorcerers, and vampires? What happened to the innocence?
I stumbled upon "Introducing Serina K., Ph.D. and Future Famous Person" while browsing through Amazon. The book was published through PublishAmerica, a young publishing company that is growing rapidly. On a whim, I ordered the book based on its description posted on Amazon. If it was half as good as the review described, I knew that I would be in for a treat. I was not disappointed.
Growing up as a fan of "The Great Brain" series and "The Henry Reed" series by Keith Robertson, I have been searching for a book that resembles the innocent mischief of childhood that could live up to the same standards.
"Introducing Serina K., Ph.D. and Future Famous Person" is a hilarious throwback to those books of yesteryear. I laughed nearly the whole way through it. The premise is the misadventures of a third grader as she tries to raise money to go to the carnival. Along the way, the character learns many lessons about growing up as she delves into various business ventures. Hilarity and insanity ensues. I hope that the author continues the character as a series. For now, the book can be ordered from Amazon or Booksamillion.com.
I stumbled upon "Introducing Serina K., Ph.D. and Future Famous Person" while browsing through Amazon. The book was published through PublishAmerica, a young publishing company that is growing rapidly. On a whim, I ordered the book based on its description posted on Amazon. If it was half as good as the review described, I knew that I would be in for a treat. I was not disappointed.
Growing up as a fan of "The Great Brain" series and "The Henry Reed" series by Keith Robertson, I have been searching for a book that resembles the innocent mischief of childhood that could live up to the same standards.
"Introducing Serina K., Ph.D. and Future Famous Person" is a hilarious throwback to those books of yesteryear. I laughed nearly the whole way through it. The premise is the misadventures of a third grader as she tries to raise money to go to the carnival. Along the way, the character learns many lessons about growing up as she delves into various business ventures. Hilarity and insanity ensues. I hope that the author continues the character as a series. For now, the book can be ordered from Amazon or Booksamillion.com.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Let Reading Books be Light on Your Pockets
Looking for that best seller, you really want to get your hands on? Tired of searching a dozen online stores to find the best price?http://librarybookshome.blogspot.com makes it all easy. When you have a book in your mind, all you do is search it in Www.gauchotexts.com and in few seconds you have a comprehensive list of online shops and their offer best price. And another click of your mouse button, you can start comparing book prices. You can expand the search to include added features like tax, shipping rates etc. This will make the search and comparison of prices more meaningful and you get to know the exact price for which you get to own the book. This way, you get your book for the cheapest price in few minutes, if not in seconds.Now, shopping for that bestseller is not so tiresome. A few clicks and you are there, ordering a brand new copy. We make your search complete, by including an exhaustive list of stores, which sell books, with their latest best price through daily updates. We compare book prices across all these shops to bring you the list of best prices on offer. Since we use the latest technologies your search takes just a few seconds. This ensures you get the best bargain for the book. Through gaucho you can get reviews of the online stores before you actually order. This way you can rest assured you are really going to get that book. You can also write your experience and help your fellow folks.That’s not all! We are going to sweeten the pot, a little more. To make your savings deeper we offer you exiting discounts for your orders. You can make use of the latest store coupons to make substantial savings. At Www.gauchotexts.com we always strive to give the readers best value for their money.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Reading The Right Books
Reading the right books on different subjects can broaden our mind. Your mind is exposed to different cultures, traditions around the world. Through reading, you get an opportunity to closely understand the cultures, traditions and practices exist in different countries. Reading translated works from other languages will help you to understand the lifestyle, history of the countries from which the book is originally written. Moreover, reading helps you to improve your language also.
Reading helps you to look into the past, to closely observe mankind's travel to this modern world. Reading helps you to travel in a time machine; it helps you to talk to our ancestors. It reveals many secrets for us.
Reading is totally different from the experience of watching a movie, or listening to radio. Both these activities require our partial involvement. Reading requires our mind's total involvement during the reading process. So select a calm and quite place for reading. If you are reading a book on a hard subject, this is especially important. A small distraction can turn your mind's involvement from the reading. Make it a habit to read the preface of any book you are going to read. It helps you to understand what the book is really about. It gives an overview about the book, the subject it handles etc. When you read the preface you get an overall idea about the book and it helps you to decide whether to read the whole book or not.
A good book helps to improve our lifestyle, our outlook towards the whole life. Bible is a good example of this. Bible contains the rise and fall of many civilizations; its contents also help one to make changes in his or her life.
Reading helps you to look into the past, to closely observe mankind's travel to this modern world. Reading helps you to travel in a time machine; it helps you to talk to our ancestors. It reveals many secrets for us.
Reading is totally different from the experience of watching a movie, or listening to radio. Both these activities require our partial involvement. Reading requires our mind's total involvement during the reading process. So select a calm and quite place for reading. If you are reading a book on a hard subject, this is especially important. A small distraction can turn your mind's involvement from the reading. Make it a habit to read the preface of any book you are going to read. It helps you to understand what the book is really about. It gives an overview about the book, the subject it handles etc. When you read the preface you get an overall idea about the book and it helps you to decide whether to read the whole book or not.
A good book helps to improve our lifestyle, our outlook towards the whole life. Bible is a good example of this. Bible contains the rise and fall of many civilizations; its contents also help one to make changes in his or her life.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
The Best Speed Reading Books Available For You
Speed reading is something that most people deem unfathomable. They don't see it being possible for anyone to read in an excess of 25,000 words per minute and to remember what they read. Most people consider that to be false because it seems like it is impossible. But while people are laughing at this idea, others are reading at levels that are out of this world.
Reading at an incredibly fast pace is possible, you just have to learn how to do it properly. There are all sorts of speed reading books that are going to give people false answers and these books are just going to steal your money. You are not going to learn the true art of speed reading and will not be able to read at a pace that is going to blow you away. Your reading skills might improve but it is not going to be enough to make a dent in all of that homework or that project you need to finish for work.
Just like any other product claiming to change your life, there are lots of speed reading books that are going to lead you in the wrong direction. You are smarter and better than a product based on false advertising. You are tired of falling behind in class or at work and you need a solution to help you become a better reader and to be able to remember things perfectly. You might get that promotion at work that you have been looking for all based on your new impressive skill of reading papers quickly and efficiently.
The average adult reads at a rate of just 250 words per minute. This can dramatically impact your success in both school and career environments. You have a distinct advantage once you learn how to increase your reading speed.
Reading at an incredibly fast pace is possible, you just have to learn how to do it properly. There are all sorts of speed reading books that are going to give people false answers and these books are just going to steal your money. You are not going to learn the true art of speed reading and will not be able to read at a pace that is going to blow you away. Your reading skills might improve but it is not going to be enough to make a dent in all of that homework or that project you need to finish for work.
Just like any other product claiming to change your life, there are lots of speed reading books that are going to lead you in the wrong direction. You are smarter and better than a product based on false advertising. You are tired of falling behind in class or at work and you need a solution to help you become a better reader and to be able to remember things perfectly. You might get that promotion at work that you have been looking for all based on your new impressive skill of reading papers quickly and efficiently.
The average adult reads at a rate of just 250 words per minute. This can dramatically impact your success in both school and career environments. You have a distinct advantage once you learn how to increase your reading speed.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The Benefit of Reading Books
You've learned the power of your imagination to open new windows and doors to let light in on those shadows that clouded your vision in the past. You are a creative and gifted human being with the potential to create better things and to make a difference by inspiring others to challenge their own ways of living, and make the commitment to changing their own lives.
Imagination is a source of such energy and it shines brightest when it breathes in the oxygen of new ideas and free thought. The greatest writers challenged the world to look at life in new and different ways; they challenged the status quo and dared people to question their ideals, their values, their morals, and their beliefs.
If there were no imagination there would be no progression. There would be no will to aspire to better things, and no vision to see beyond the obvious and the mundane. There would be nothing to strive for and no goals, because everyone would be quite content to sit in an armchair and stare at the wall.
Take the challenge. Open your mind wide and join in the conversation with writers and thinkers and anyone who sees the world in different ways. It doesn't matter a bit whether you agree with what they're saying - the thrill of excitement comes when you fully engage with new ideas and your mind takes off into a quiet room where nothing else matters but the words on the page and the ideas and visions spark in your mind.
Let your imagination go. Be swept away and open up that pathway between the crackling energy of inspiration and your mind and soul. Revel in the joy of new knowledge. Really listen to the conversations and open.
Reading isn't only about the ideas either. Listen to the words as they ride by - feel their energy and hear their music - whatever language you have as your own, celebrate its beauty and its sound.
What you're reading and experiencing isn't simply a collection of cold words on a flat page. Those words were written with conviction, passion and energy, and what you can experience now is that same passion and energy that the writer had.
Books are powerhouses and they will challenge you to meet their power with your own.
They cause change. They can be a phenomenal source of inspiration in your life.
Imagination is a source of such energy and it shines brightest when it breathes in the oxygen of new ideas and free thought. The greatest writers challenged the world to look at life in new and different ways; they challenged the status quo and dared people to question their ideals, their values, their morals, and their beliefs.
If there were no imagination there would be no progression. There would be no will to aspire to better things, and no vision to see beyond the obvious and the mundane. There would be nothing to strive for and no goals, because everyone would be quite content to sit in an armchair and stare at the wall.
Take the challenge. Open your mind wide and join in the conversation with writers and thinkers and anyone who sees the world in different ways. It doesn't matter a bit whether you agree with what they're saying - the thrill of excitement comes when you fully engage with new ideas and your mind takes off into a quiet room where nothing else matters but the words on the page and the ideas and visions spark in your mind.
Let your imagination go. Be swept away and open up that pathway between the crackling energy of inspiration and your mind and soul. Revel in the joy of new knowledge. Really listen to the conversations and open.
Reading isn't only about the ideas either. Listen to the words as they ride by - feel their energy and hear their music - whatever language you have as your own, celebrate its beauty and its sound.
What you're reading and experiencing isn't simply a collection of cold words on a flat page. Those words were written with conviction, passion and energy, and what you can experience now is that same passion and energy that the writer had.
Books are powerhouses and they will challenge you to meet their power with your own.
They cause change. They can be a phenomenal source of inspiration in your life.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
How Reading Books Can Help You
Literacy is driven by the habit of reading and not just by writing well or learning how to write well. Reading is a habit that drives you on from one book to another in search of knowledge. Reading does not bore one if pursued endlessly. Right from grade one, it may be recollected, that at the end of the year we had to report on the number of books we had read in the course of the whole year. Somehow one book led to the reading of another and yet another. No boredom and no strain - just a thirst for more and more of those books. That is what reading is supposed to do to you, if you keep at it continuously.
Even though writing contributes to our growth as a person, it is reading that makes us what we are. There's so much to learn from books.
Reading improves Your Mental Aptitude
Reading helps develop a stronger mental aptitude. How then will a novel help when it is not related to any of the subjects at school? In fact how can it increase mental aptitude?
Keeping the brain active helps it remain alive and thinking. This is what reading does to you. Scientists have stated that we use so little of our brains - what with all the equipment around us - that our brains are not as sharp, and slow to function. At the drop of a hat, we reach out for that calculator rather than exert the brain to work out a small mathematical problem or calculation.
Reading helps keep our brain thinking and imagining. The words out there staring us in the face as we read, help put the brain into the action surrounding the thoughts and ideas projected. So doesn't this make you smarter?
Does Reading Help You Earn More?
It's true that earlier people worked hard and earned well too without the education that is available today! But that is how life was earlier, and they made a success of it in spite of little or no education at all.
Some people succeed without a formal education but, is it not better to make a position in life with education than to make it well in life without education? Would you rather be the sales man in a car store or be the owner of the car store? This is what you have to decide for yourself. Reading helps you rise in life by creating dreams for yourself and helping yourself progress by the day.
Reading helps you gain knowledge in subjects which you have not been introduced to at school. Learning never comes to an end and books help you pursue this thirst for knowledge.
Even though writing contributes to our growth as a person, it is reading that makes us what we are. There's so much to learn from books.
Reading improves Your Mental Aptitude
Reading helps develop a stronger mental aptitude. How then will a novel help when it is not related to any of the subjects at school? In fact how can it increase mental aptitude?
Keeping the brain active helps it remain alive and thinking. This is what reading does to you. Scientists have stated that we use so little of our brains - what with all the equipment around us - that our brains are not as sharp, and slow to function. At the drop of a hat, we reach out for that calculator rather than exert the brain to work out a small mathematical problem or calculation.
Reading helps keep our brain thinking and imagining. The words out there staring us in the face as we read, help put the brain into the action surrounding the thoughts and ideas projected. So doesn't this make you smarter?
Does Reading Help You Earn More?
It's true that earlier people worked hard and earned well too without the education that is available today! But that is how life was earlier, and they made a success of it in spite of little or no education at all.
Some people succeed without a formal education but, is it not better to make a position in life with education than to make it well in life without education? Would you rather be the sales man in a car store or be the owner of the car store? This is what you have to decide for yourself. Reading helps you rise in life by creating dreams for yourself and helping yourself progress by the day.
Reading helps you gain knowledge in subjects which you have not been introduced to at school. Learning never comes to an end and books help you pursue this thirst for knowledge.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Comic Books - Get Fun Filled Reading Experience
Comics are the books in which the story is presented with the help of cartoons and graphical illustrations alongwith written dialogues and comments. As the name itself suggest they have element of humour and pun in them. Comic Books are extremely catchy and attractive as they present a certain idea or story with the help of fancy illustrations and drawings. Cartoons have a unique preposition and they deal with the various sensitive subjects at times in a light and hilarious manner.
Many fictional characters have become excessively popular amongst the children and the teenagers. The super heroes like He-man, Super Man, Spider Man etc have evolved over the years in movies and 3D games, however they first appeared in the various comic series. It is a wrong notion that all the comics are humorous. There are a lot of books that are based on serious subjects and are also packed with action and drama. They are a favourite pass time for kids and youngsters. The craze for these books is quite high amongst the ardent readers. People are often having addiction for their favourite comic series.
Generally, the comic series have interesting characters and exciting plots. The adventures and fun of these characters is showcased in the books with the help of wonderful iteration and illustrations. The fun filled books cater with different subjects and situation. There are various characters that entice the readers from different age groups. While children read comics like TinTin, teenagers love to read the interesting stories of Archie. There are numerous comic books that have great stories.
Earlier the Comic Books were simply collection of comic strips that are funny and hilarious. Later on, comics that focussed on the social issues and other sensitive topics were also created. These books are completely entertaining and rejuvenating.There are several very famous comic series that are highly popular in the UK. "The Dandy" and "The 2000 AD and The Eagle" are among the all time favourite comics. There are a number of other comics that have gained great popularity amongst the young ones in the Europe. Asterix and Tintin have grown to become the best companions of the children in the free time.
Many fictional characters have become excessively popular amongst the children and the teenagers. The super heroes like He-man, Super Man, Spider Man etc have evolved over the years in movies and 3D games, however they first appeared in the various comic series. It is a wrong notion that all the comics are humorous. There are a lot of books that are based on serious subjects and are also packed with action and drama. They are a favourite pass time for kids and youngsters. The craze for these books is quite high amongst the ardent readers. People are often having addiction for their favourite comic series.
Generally, the comic series have interesting characters and exciting plots. The adventures and fun of these characters is showcased in the books with the help of wonderful iteration and illustrations. The fun filled books cater with different subjects and situation. There are various characters that entice the readers from different age groups. While children read comics like TinTin, teenagers love to read the interesting stories of Archie. There are numerous comic books that have great stories.
Earlier the Comic Books were simply collection of comic strips that are funny and hilarious. Later on, comics that focussed on the social issues and other sensitive topics were also created. These books are completely entertaining and rejuvenating.There are several very famous comic series that are highly popular in the UK. "The Dandy" and "The 2000 AD and The Eagle" are among the all time favourite comics. There are a number of other comics that have gained great popularity amongst the young ones in the Europe. Asterix and Tintin have grown to become the best companions of the children in the free time.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Enjoy a New Way of Reading With Audio Books
Reading is a habit that allows the users to gain knowledge in a very proper manner. It is said that every person should devote some time of his day to reading only. As reading helps the person to evolve into a more matured human being. In addition to imparting mental growth, it also helps the person to develop a better understanding of relations and surrounding phenomenon. However but in today's fast and hectic life schedule, people hardly find time for reading. And today it is a habit that is quickly loosing its existence among the adult and most importantly among young kids, who hardly find time for reading after spending their energy on video games and other activities.At this point of time audio books can play a very vital role in reviving this trend among the people again. As the name itself suggests, audio books are a completely advanced version of the modern day books. Hence, it is quite ideal for all those people who hardly find time or are lazy enough to read books.Users of audio books can read or listen to the bestsellers of past and present, depending upon their choice of kinds of books. These books are widely available in all the categories, ranging from romance to spiritual and to many other genres. This version of books is an ideal one for people who are visually challenged. As they cannot afford to read a book, so for them this form of modern day reading fills for the emptiness in their life.So the parents who don't have the time to tell tales to their children, they can afford to relax, as they can buy these types of voice books for them. These books which come in the form of CD's and MP3 can be played and can serve the same purpose for the children. These are even much better for the old age people, whose eye-sights are quite weak and cannot afford to devote much time to reading books. These audio books will just help them to listen, what they actually want to read. For example, both New Testament and Old Testament are available in these forms.Another best thing about these digital version of books is that users can also rewind and re-listen to the favourite part of the book again and again. What is more interesting about these audio books is that, since these books are in the narrative form therefore the readers get to listen to an account influenced by personal touch, which adds more value to this form of reading book. These books come at quite cheap prices, which is why now more and more people are now preferring these above other mediums of entertainment such as television, radio and other forms.Audio books have been the result of the incredible growth in technology. Thus, users can play these digital books on their Ipod's and MP3 player. So while commuting or relaxing, users can just listen to these books and can make the most of their idle or leisure time. Users can even download these audio books on their music players and Ipod's. Seeing the popularity of these version of books, the publishers are even making efforts to bring the Online version of these books.Widely recognised authors like John Grisham, Michael Connelly, Michael Marshall, Stephen King are the few authors whose bestsellers can be found easily in the forms of audio books. John Grisham, one of the best writer, when it comes to legal thrillers, is the main centre of attraction in these type of books. So if as a reader, you are looking for some interesting way of enjoying reading, then you can certainly bank upon these audio books.
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